- “Canada First, Not Canada Alone: The Past, Present, and Future of Canadian Foreign Policy.” Address to Centre for International Policy Studies. Ottawa. (5 February 2025).
- “An Introduction to Canadian Defence Policy.” Address to Queen's University, MPA 832. Via Zoom. (14 January 2025).
- “Managing Canada-US Relations in Unpredictable Times.” Address to University of Toronto, School of Continuing Studies University Lecture Series. Oakville. (9 December 2024).
- “Managing Canada-US Relations in Unpredictable Times.” Address to University of Toronto, School of Continuing Studies University Lecture Series. Markham. (5 December 2024).
- “Canada First, Not Canada Alone.” Address to Canadian International Council, Toronto Branch. Via Zoom. (3 December 2024).
- “Managing Canada-US Relations in Unpredictable Times.” Address to University of Toronto, School of Continuing Studies University Lecture Series. Toronto. (29 November 2024).
- “Canadian Trade Policy in the Modern World.” Address to the Probus Club of Mississauga South. Mississauga. (21 November 2024).
- “Canada First, Not Canada Alone.” Book launch hosted by Bill Graham Centre for Contemporary International History. Munk Centre, University of Toronto. (13 November 2024).
- “Canada First, Not Canada Alone.” History Matters / Valorisons Notre Histoire. Talk hosted by Global Affairs Canada, Historical Section. Via Microsoft Teams. (7 November 2024).
- “Ready or Not? Canada’s Military and the Changing Nature of Warfare.” Panel hosted by International Issues Discussion Series. Toronto Metropolitan University. (9 October 2024).
- “Canada in the World: Past, Present, and Future.” Address to the Credit River Probus Club. Mississauga. (23 May 2024).
- “Canadian Defence Policy in Uncertain Times.” Address to Probus Men's Club of Brampton. Brampton. (2 April 2024).
- “Canada in the World in the 21st Century.” Address to the Esso Annuitant's Club - Toronto North. Via Zoom. (13 March 2024).
- “Canada Across Time: Ten Events that Shaped the National Character.” Address to the University Women's Club of North York. Toronto. (26 February 2024).
- “Canadian Multiculturalism in the 21st Century.” Address to the East York Probus Club. Toronto. (17 January 2024).
- “Canada Across Time: Ten Events that Shaped the National Character.” Address to University of the Third Age, Cambridge, UK. Via Zoom. (17 January 2024).
- “Canadian Defence Policy in Uncertain Times.” Address to University of Toronto, School of Continuing Studies University Lecture Series. Oakville. (11 December 2023).
- “Canadian Defence Policy in Uncertain Times.” Address to University of Toronto, School of Continuing Studies University Lecture Series. Markham. (30 November 2023).
- “Canadian Defence Policy in Uncertain Times.” Address to University of Toronto, School of Continuing Studies University Lecture Series. Toronto. (24 November 2023).
- “Canada Across Time: Ten Events that Shaped our National Character.” Address to Thornhill Lifelong Learning. Via Zoom. (20 April 2023).
- “Canadian Multiculturalism in the 21st Century: Challenges and Opportunities.” Address to the Probus Club of Alliston. Alliston, ON. (11 April 2023).
- “Canadian Defence Policy.” Address to PS 2298G. Huron University. Via Zoom. (4 April 2023).
- “Canada Across Time: Ten Events that Shaped the Country.” Address to Lifelong Learning - Markham. Via Zoom. (27 February 2023).
- “The United Nations: Blessing, Burden, or Both?” Address to The Probus Club of North York. Via Zoom. (25 January 2023).
- “Canada in the World: Past, Present, and Future.” Address to Third Age Learning - Burlington. Via Zoom. (27 October 2022).
- “Canada on the United Nations Security Council: An Introduction.” Address to new members of Global Affairs Canada. Via WebEx. (26 October 2022).
- “Do We Really Need a Canadian Defence Policy?” Address to Third Age Learning - York Region. Via Zoom. (24 October 2022).
- “Managing Canada-US Relations in Unpredictable Times.” Address to Thornhill Lifelong Learning. Via Zoom. (6 October 2022).
- “Canada Across Time: Ten Events that Shaped the National Character.” Address to the Probus Club of East York. Toronto, ON. (15 June 2022).
- “Canada Across Time: Ten Events that Shaped the National Character.” Address to Richmond Hill Public Library History Lecture Series. Via Zoom. (3 May 2022).
- “The United Nations: Blessing, Burden, or Both?” Address to the Lifelong Learning Markham. Via Zoom. (11 April 2022).
- “Managing Canada-US Relations in Unpredictable Times.” Address to the Lifelong Learning Niagara. Via Zoom. (1 March 2022).
- “Managing Canada-US Relations in Unpredictable Times.” Address to the Georgian Triangle Lifelong Learning Institute. Via Zoom. (8 October 2021).
- “Managing Canada-US Relations in Unpredictable Times.” Address to the McLelland Financial Group. Via Zoom. (30 August 2021).
- “Managing Canada-US Relations in Unpredictable Times.” Address to the Probus Club of Toronto. Via Zoom. (14 July 2021).
- “Managing Canada-US Relations in Unpredictable Times.” Address to the Probus Club of South Simcoe. Via Zoom. (9 July 2021).
- “The United Nations: Blessing, Burden, or Both?” Address to the HMCS Professional Development Lecture Series - Ottawa. Via MS Teams. (18 June 2021).
- “Managing Canada-US Relations in Unpredictable Times.” Address to Maple Leaf Women's Probus Club - Newmarket. Via Zoom. (18 February 2021).
- “Canada in the World: 10 Events that Shaped the National Character.” Address to Third Age Learning - York Region. Via Zoom. (8 February 2021).
- “Canadian Foreign Policy and Support for Israel.” Address to Toronto Jewish Study Group. Via Zoom. (17 January 2021).
- “The Golden Age and Canadian Diplomatic Traditions.” Address to CDN 267 at the University of Toronto. Via Zoom. (9 December 2020).
- “Canada, Israel, and the United Nations.” Address to the Beth Tzedec Notable Speakers Series. Via Zoom. (7 October 2020).
- “Canada in the World: Past, Present, and Future.” Address to the Probus Club of North York. Via Zoom. (23 September 2020).
- “The Politics of Canadian Support for Israel.” Address to the Limmud North American E-Learning Festival. Via Zoom. (30 August 2020).
- “Managing Canada-US Relations in Unpredictable Times.” Address to the Lake Country Probus Club of Orillia. Via Zoom. (17 August 2020).
- “Challenges and Opportunities in Global Security and Liberal Democracy.” Panel hosted by the Canadian Centre for the Responsibility to Protect and the NATO Association of Canada. Via Zoom. (29 June 2020).
- “Managing Canada-US Relations in Unpredictable Times.” Address to the Probus Club of Bradford. Via Zoom. (9 June 2020).
- “The United Nations: Blessing or Burden?” Address to University Women's Club of Toronto. Via Zoom. (11 May 2020).
- “Canadian Foreign Policy: A Conversation.” Address to United Jewish Appeal - Genesis Group. Via Zoom. (1 April 2020).
- “Canada on the United Nations Security Council?” Address to Canadian International Council - Saskatoon Branch. Saskatoon, SK. (13 March 2020).
- “Canada on the United Nations Security Council?” Address to Canadian International Council - Edmonton Branch. Edmonton, AB. (12 March 2020).
- “Canada on the United Nations Security Council?” Address to Canadian International Council - Winnipeg Branch. Winnipeg, MB. (11 March 2020).
- “Canada on the United Nations Security Council: A Small Power on a Large Stage.” Address to Glendon College Colloquium Series. Toronto. (27 February 2020).
- “Canada on the United Nations Security Council.” The Champlain Society Podcast: Witness to Yesterday. (21 February 2020).
- “Canada's Back! A History of Making - and not Making - A Difference in Foreign Affairs.” Address to University of Toronto, School of Continuing Studies. Markham. (20 February 2020).
- “Canada's Back! A History of Making - and not Making - A Difference in Foreign Affairs.” Address to University of Toronto, School of Continuing Studies. Toronto. (12 February 2020).
- “Canada's Back! A History of Making - and not Making - A Difference in Foreign Affairs.” Address to University of Toronto, School of Continuing Studies. Oakville. (10 February 2020).
- “Canada and the UN Security Council Seat.” Canadian Global Affairs Institute Podcast: The Global Exchange. (27 January 2020).
- “Canada on the United Nations Security Council: A Small Power on a Large Stage.” Address to Canada's Permanent Mission to the United Nations in New York. New York, NY. (23 January 2020).
- “Canadian Foreign Policy in 2020 and Beyond.” Address to Canadian Armed Forces: DG Land Equipment Program Management. Gatineau, QC. (6 December 2019).
- “Canada on the United Nations Security Council: Past Experience and Future Prospects.” Address to Canadian International Council Politics @the Pub. Ottawa. (5 December 2019).
- “Canada in the World: Past, Present, and Future.” Address to Beth Tzedec Congregation Notable Speakers Series. Toronto. (6 November 2019).
- “Canada in the World: Past, Present, and Future.” Address to Christie Gardens Retirement Home. Toronto. (13 May 2019).
- “Canadian Trade Policy for Dummies (Like Me).” Address to Thornhill Lifelong Learning. Thornhill. (2 May 2019).
- “Canada and the World: Past, Present, Future.” Address to Lifelong Learning Stouffville. Stouffville. (29 April 2019).
- “Managing Canada-US Relations in Unpredictable Times.” Address to Probus Club of Swan Lake. Markham. (10 April 2019).
- “Canada in the World in 2019.” Address to Probus Club of Alliston. Alliston. (9 April 2019).
- “Trudeau's Canada in the World.” Address to Durham Lifelong Learning. Whitby. (2 April 2019).
- “Canadian Multiculturalism in the 21st Century: Challenges and Opportunities.” Address to Richmond Hill Centre for the Arts Speakers Series. Richmond Hill. (21 March 2019).
- “Trudeau's Canada in the World.” Address to the University of Toronto, School of Continuing Studies. Toronto. (28 November 2018).
- “Is the UN Still Relevant?” Participant in Glendon Global Debates, Glendon College. Toronto. (15 November 2018).
- “Canada in the World: Past, Present, and Future.” Address to Probus Club of Toronto. Toronto. (14 November 2018).
- “Trudeau's Canada in the World.” Address to the University of Toronto, School of Continuing Studies. Oakville. (12 November 2018).
- “On Remembrance Day.” Address to the University of Toronto Schools. Toronto. (9 November 2018).
- “Canadian Foreign Policy.” Address to Royal Canadian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers School. Canadian Forces Base, Borden. (30 May 2018).
- “Canada on the World Stage: Past, Present, and Future.” Address to Temple Emanu-El. Toronto. (28 May 2018).
- “Canada and the World: Past, Present, and Future.” Address to Thornhill Lifelong Learning. Thornhill. (19 April 2018).
- “Trudeau's Canada in the World.” Address to the University of Toronto, School of Continuing Studies. Markham. (12 April 2018).
- “Managing Canada-US Relations in Unpredictable Times.” Address to Richmond Hill Centre for the Arts Speakers Series. Richmond Hill. (11 April 2018).
- “Canadian Multiculturalism in the 21st Century: Challenges and Opportunities.” Address to University Women's Club of North York. North York. (27 November 2017).
- “Does Canada Really Need a Defence Policy?” Address to the Probus Club of Stouffville. Stouffville. (9 November 2017).
- “Canadian Multiculturalism in the 21st Century: Challenges and Opportunities.” Address to University Women's Club of Toronto. Toronto. (6 November 2017).
- “The United Nations in the Modern World.” Address to Third Age Learning - York Region. Aurora. (2 October 2017).
- “Canada in the World in 2017.” Address to Georgian Triangle Lifelong Learning Institute. Collingwood. (8 September 2017).
- “Canadian Multiculturalism in the 21st Century: Challenges and Opportunities.” Address to Temple Har Zion. Toronto. (22 May 2017).
- “Canada and the World: Past, Present, and Future.” Address to Third Age Learning - York Region. Aurora. (24 April 2017).
- “The Harper Era in Canadian Foreign Policy.” Address to the Centre for International and Defence Policy. Queen's University. Kingston. (28 February 2017).
- “Does Canada Really Need a Defence Policy?” Address to the Probus Club of Scarborough, Central Group. Scarborough. (19 January 2017).
- “Canadian Trade Policy in the Modern World.” Address to the University of Toronto, School of Continuing Studies. Toronto. (7 December 2016).
- “Canadian Trade Policy in the Modern World.” Address to the University of Toronto, School of Continuing Studies. Markham. (1 December 2016).
- “The Harper Era in Canadian Foreign Policy: Legacy and Lessons for the Trudeau Era.” Address to the Johns Hopkins School of International Studies. Washington, DC. (30 November 2016).
- “Canadian Trade Policy in the Modern World.” Address to the University of Toronto, School of Continuing Studies. Oakville. (21 November 2016).
- “Canadian Multiculturalism and the Global Refugee Crisis.” Address to the Beth Shalom Lunch and Learn Program. Toronto. (31 May 2016).
- “Canadian Multiculturalism in the 21st Century: Challenges and Opportunities.” Address to the Probus Club of Swan Lake. Thornhill. (13 April 2016).
- Testimony before the Standing Senate Committee on National Security and Defence. Ottawa. (21 March 2016).
- “Parliament, Politics, and Canada's Global Posture: From Stephen Harper to Justin Trudeau.” Address to Centre for Foreign Policy Studies. Halifax, NS. (24 February 2016).
- “Homeland Security and Continental Defence.” Address to POLI 3576, Dalhousie University. Halifax, NS. (23 February 2016).
- “Atomic Energy and the Arms Race.” Address to HIS 311Y, University of Toronto. Toronto. (28 January 2016).
- “Does Canada Really Need a Defence Policy?” Address to University Women's Club of North York. North York. (25 January 2016).
- “Canadian Multiculturalism in the 21st Century: Challenges and Opportunities.” Address to the University of Toronto, School of Continuing Studies. Markham. (9 April 2015).
- “Canadian Multiculturalism in the 21st Century: Challenges and Opportunities.” Address to the University of Toronto, School of Continuing Studies. Toronto. (1 April 2015).
- “Canadian Multiculturalism in the 21st Century: Challenges and Opportunities.” Address to the University of Toronto, School of Continuing Studies. Oakville. (30 March 2015).
- “Canada on the World Stage.” Address to Why Should I Care? Toronto. (26 January 2015).
- “How Ottawa Works: An Introduction to Strategic Decision-making in Canada.” Address to Special Operations Forces Planning Course. Ottawa. (4 December 2014).
- “Do We Need a Canadian Defence Policy?” Address to Royal Canadian Military Institute.Toronto. (17 September 2014). [Watch this lecture on Youtube.]
- “The Politics of Canadian Support for Israel.” Address to Kingston Jewish Council.Kingston. (25 May 2014).
- “Canada and the United Nations Since 1945.” Address to POLS 369. Queen’s University. Kingston. (13 March 2014).
- “An Introduction to Canada and the United Nations.” Address to the staff at the Denison Armoury. Toronto. (16 January 2014).
- “Does Canada Really Need a Defence Policy?” Address to the University of Toronto, School of Continuing Studies, University Lecture Series. Toronto. (29 November 2013).
- “Canadian Foreign Policy in the Twenty-first Century.” Address to the staff at the Denison Armoury. Toronto. (13 November 2013).
- “Does Canada Really Need a Defence Policy?” Address to Temple Emanu-El. Toronto. (11 November 2013).
- “Does Canada Really Need a Defence Policy?” Address to the University of Toronto, School of Continuing Studies, University Lecture Series. Markham. (7 November 2013).
- “Does Canada Really Need a Defence Policy?” Address to the University of Toronto, School of Continuing Studies, University Lecture Series. Oakville. (28 October 2013).
- “Canada and the World: Ten Events that Shaped Our National Character.” Address to Lunch and Learn Series. Beth Tikvah Synagogue. Toronto. (15 October 2013).
- “Canada – What Kind of Power Have We Become?” Address to Canadian International Council – Toronto Branch. Toronto. (2 October 2013).
- “The Politics of Canadian Support for Israel.” Address to Jewish Studies Discussion Group. Toronto. (26 May 2013).
- “Foreign Aid in the Twenty-first Century: Why Do We Bother?” Address to Temple Har Zion. Toronto. (9 April 2013).
- “Canada and the World: Ten Events that Shaped Our National Character.” Address to the University of Toronto, School of Continuing Studies, University Lecture Series. Toronto. (30 November 2012).
- “Canada and the World: Ten Events that Shaped Our National Character.” Address to the University of Toronto, School of Continuing Studies, University Lecture Series. Oakville. (28 November 2012).
- “Canada and the World: Ten Events that Shaped Our National Character.” Address to the University of Toronto, School of Continuing Studies, University Lecture Series. Markham. (22 November 2012).
- “Foreign Aid in the Twenty-first Century: Why Do We Bother?” Address to Temple Emanu-El. Toronto. (5 November 2012).
- “Foreign Aid in the Twenty-first Century: Why Do We Bother?” Address to MenTor (Mensa Toronto). Toronto. (21 October 2012).
- “The Politics of Reforming Canada’s Foreign Aid Policy.” Address at a book launch at the University of Ottawa. Ottawa. (3 October 2012).
- “Canadian Foreign Policy in the Twenty-first Century.” Address to Temple Emanu-El. Toronto. (16 April 2012).
- “Foreign Aid in the Twenty-first Century: Why Bother?” Address to the University of Toronto, School of Continuing Studies, University Lecture Series. Toronto. (30 March 2012).
- “Foreign Aid in the Twenty-first Century: Why Bother?” Address to the University of Toronto, School of Continuing Studies, University Lecture Series. Markham. (29 March 2012).
- “Foreign Aid in the Twenty-first Century: Why Bother?” Address to the University of Toronto, School of Continuing Studies, University Lecture Series. Oakville. (28 March 2012).
- “A Strategic Introduction to Canada for Future American Leaders.” Address to Forty-Ninth Fellows Program. University of Alaska – Anchorage. Anchorage, Alaska. (16 February 2012).
- “A Nation Founded in Peace? Canada and the New World System.” Address to PSCI 3606B. Carleton University. Ottawa. (19 January 2012).
- “Stephen Harper’s Diplomatic Counter-revolution.” Cowan Prize for Excellence in Research Public Lecture. Royal Military College of Canada. Kingston. (4 October 2011).
- “From Trudeau to Mulroney: Nationalism and Continentalism.” Address to HIS 405/1142. University of Toronto. Toronto. (21 September 2011).
- “The United Nations: Is it Worth it?” Address to Oakville Probus Club. Oakville. (21 July 2011).
- “The United Nations: Blessing or Burden?” Address to Temple Emanu-El. Toronto. (4 April 2011).
- “The United Nations: Blessing or Burden?” Address to University of Toronto, School of Continuing Studies, University Lecture Series. Toronto. 8 April 2011.
- “Making a Difference.” Address to University of Toronto Model Parliament. Toronto. (16 March 2011).
- “Is the Golden Age of Canadian Foreign Policy Behind Us? Lessons from the Life of John Wendell Holmes.” Address to the Toronto Branch of the Canadian International Council and the Ryerson International Issues Discussion Series. Toronto. (2 March 2011). [Watch this lecture on YouTube.]
- “Canadian Foreign Policy in the Twenty-first Century.” Address to Mississauga Probus Club. Mississauga Golf Club. (20 January 2011).
- “Canadian Foreign Policy in the Twenty-first Century.” Address to the Canadian Federation of University Women – Markham-Stoughville. Markham. (19 January 2011).
- “Canada and the United Nations Security Council: A Historical Perspective.” Address to the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade [Canada], Lunch and Learn Series. Ottawa. (14 January 2011).
- “The Paradox of Canada’s Nationalist Internationalism.” Address to History 4302A. Carleton University. Ottawa. (14 January 2011).
- “The United Nations: Blessing or Burden?” Address to University of Toronto, School of Continuing Studies, University Lecture Series. Oakville. (1 December 2010).
- “Is the Golden Age of Canada’s Foreign Policy Behind Us?” Address to Victoria Branch of the Canadian International Council. Victoria. (17 November 2010).
- “Canada’s Voice: The Public Life of John Wendell Holmes.” Address to the Calgary Branch of the Canadian International Council. Calgary. (16 November 2010).
- “Canada and the United Nations Security Council in 15 Questions.” Address to the Centre for Military and Strategic Studies. Calgary. (16 November 2010).
- “The United Nations: Blessing or Burden?” Address to University of Toronto, School of Continuing Studies, University Lecture Series. Markham. (11 November 2010).
- “Canadian Foreign Policy in the Twenty-first Century.” Address to University of Toronto, School of Continuing Studies, University Lecture Series. Toronto. (5 November 2010).
- “John Wendell Holmes and Canadian Foreign Policy: Past, Present, and Future.” Second Annual Glyn Berry Lecture. Dalhousie University. Halifax. (4 November 2010).
- “John Wendell Holmes and the Canadian International Council.” Address to the Waterloo Branch of the Canadian International Council. Waterloo. (3 November 2010).
- “The United Nations: Blessing or Burden?” Address to Temple Har Zion. Toronto. (25 May 2010).
- “Canada’s Voice: The Public Life of John Wendell Holmes.” Speech to Winnipeg branch of the Canadian International Council. McNally Robinson Booksellers, Grant Park. (14 April 2010).
- “The State of Canadian Foreign Policy in the 21st Century.” Department of History Colloquium. University of Regina. (13 April 2010).
- “Canada’s Golden Age of Foreign Policy: Is It All Behind Us?” Speech to Thunder Bay branch of the Canadian International Council. Lakehead University. (12 April 2010).
- “Canadian Foreign Policy in the Twenty-first Century.” Address to University of Toronto, School of Continuing Studies, University Lecture Series. Oakville. (3 March 2010).
- “Fighting the Cold War, Together: Canada and the United States, 1945-1953.” Address to History 3304A: Canada-U.S. Relations. Carleton University. (24 February 2010).
- “Canada’s Voice: The Public Life of John Wendell Holmes.” Address to the University of Ottawa and the Canadian International Council, Ottawa Branch. (23 February 2010).
- “Canada and the World.” Address to Probus Club of Brampton (Women’s Branch). (9 February 2010).
- “Canadian Foreign Policy in the Twenty-first Century.” Address to University of Toronto School of Continuing Studies (Markham). (4 February 2010).
- “Canada on the World Stage.” Address to Probus Club of Swan Lake. (13 January 2010).
- “Canada and the World.” Address to Probus Club of Brampton. Brampton. (18 November 2009).
- “Canadian Foreign Policy.” Address to (Women’s) Probus Club of Burlington. (16 November 2009).
- “Canada in the World: Past, Present, and Future.” Address to (Men’s) Probus Club of Burlington. (13 April 2009).
- “Canadian Foreign Policy: An Introduction.” Address to Earl Bales Senior’s Club. Toronto. (8 March 2009).
- “The United Nations: Blessing or Burden? A Canadian Perspective.” Address to Lunch and Learn Series. Beth Tikvah Synagogue. Toronto. (11 November 2008).
- “Canada on the World Stage.” Address to the (Women’s) Probus Club of Burlington. (2 October 2008).
- “Canada in the World.” Address to the Probus Club of Scarborough. (15 May 2008).
- “Canadian Foreign Policy: The Basics.” Address to Lunch and Learn Series. Beth Tikvah Synagogue. Toronto. (30 October 2007).
- “Relocating the Conservative Tradition in Canadian Foreign Policy.” Address to Political Science 382. University of Waterloo. (10 October 2007).
- “The John Holmes Library.” Invited address honouring the reopening of the John Holmes Library. Centre for International Governance and Innovation, Waterloo. (9 October 2007).
- “The Struggle for a Real Canadian Foreign Policy in the Middle East.” Address to Bernard Betel Centre. Toronto. (12 June 2007).
- “The Myth of Canadian Neutrality.” Address to Garrison Community Council. London, ON. (8 November 2006).
- “Canadian Foreign Policy: Reality and Illusion.” Address to Upper Canadian Lodge. Toronto. (17 September 2006).
- “A Look at Canadian Foreign Policy: Reality and Illusion.” Address to Beth Tikvah Synagogue. Toronto. (11 September 2006).
- “Canadian Foreign Policy: The Middle Power Muddle.” Address to Canadian Forces College National Security Studies Seminar. Toronto. (25 April 2006).
- “Founding the United Nations: The United States and the New World Order.” Address to Learning Unlimited. Toronto. (7 February 2006).
- “The United Nations Then and Now: How Much Has Really Changed?” Address to the North American Model United Nations. University of Toronto. (18 February 2005).
- “The Human Dimension in Canadian Foreign Policy.” Massey College Junior Fellow Lecture Series. University of Toronto. (20 March 2001).
- “‘Some Things Never Change. Some Things do.’ UTS: Past, Present, and Future.” Address to the UTS Parents’ Association. The University of Toronto Schools. Toronto, Canada (12 October 2000).