- “Foreign Policy in Canadian Elections: A Review.” Mulroney Papers in Public Policy and Governance Review Essay 3 (December 2024): 1-13.
“Pentagon North: Does Canada Have a Military-Industrial Complex?” Rev. of Silent Partners: The Origins and Influence of Canada's Military-Industrial Complex, edited by Alex Souchen and Matthew S. Wiseman. Literary Review of Canada (September 2024): 23. - “It's not Getting Any Easier.” Rev. of Canada Alone: Navigating the Post-American World, by Kim Richard Nossal. Dorchester Review 14,1 (2024): 40-43.
- Rev. of Harper's World: The Politicization of Canadian Foreign Policy, 2006-2015, edited by Peter McKenna. Canadian Historical Review 104,2 (June 2023): 292-293.
- “The Medical Corps: At the Juncture of Two Oaths.” Rev. of Lifesavers and Bodysnatchers, by Tim Cook. Literary Review of Canada 30,8 (October 2022), 19.
- “Service Records: The Changing Ways We Remember.” Rev. of The Fight for History, by Tim Cook. Literary Review of Canada 28,9 (November 2020): 17-18.
- Rev. of “Entrepreneurial States.” Special Issue of International Journal 73,4 (2018): 501-608. H-Diplo Article Review Forum 919 (15 January 2020).
- Rev. of Strategic Friends: Canada-Ukraine Relations from Independence to the Euromaidan, by Bohdan S. Kordan. Canadian Historical Review 100,4 (December 2019): 691-692.
- Rev. of On the Side of the Angels: Canada and the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, by Andrew H. Thompson. Canadian Historical Review 99,1 (Spring 2018): 122-124.
- Rev. of Creating Canada's Peacekeeping Past, by Colin McCullough. Ontario History 109,2 (Fall 2017): 274-275.
- “After Afghanistan: Return to Normal.” Rev. of Beyond Afghanistan: An International Security Agenda for Canada, edited by James Fergusson and Francis Furtado. Dorchester Review 7,1 (Spring/Summer 2017): 11-16.
- “Are Canada’s Military Officers Poorly Educated?” Rev. of Forced to Change: Crisis and Reform in the Canadian Armed Forces, by Bernd Horn and Bill Bentley. Dorchester Review 5,2 (Autumn/Winter 2015): 29-34.
- Rev. of Becoming a History Teacher: Sustaining Practices in Historical Thinking, edited by Ruth Sandwell and Amy von Heyking. Canadian Historical Review 96,2 (June 2015): 325-327.
- “Climbing Down from Vimy Ridge.” Rev. of The Greatest Victory: Canada’s One Hundred Days, by J.L. Granatstein. Literary Review of Canada 22,8 (October 2014): 14-15.
- Rev. of Canada’s Global Villagers: CUSO in Development, 1961-1986, by Ruth Compton Brouwer. H-Diplo Roundtable Review 16,6 (2014).
- “Guardians of the North.” Rev. of The Canadian Rangers: A Living History, by P. Whitney Lackenbauer. Dorchester Review 3,2 (Autumn / Winter 2013); 82-86.
- “Marching as to War: How two unlikely prime ministers steered Canada through the great 20th-century battles.” Rev. of Warlords: Borden, Mackenzie King and Canada’s World Wars, by Tim Cook. Literary Review of Canada 20,10 (December 2012): 28-29.
- “‘The Most Serious Problem’? Canada-U.S. Relations and Cuba, 1962,” by Asa McKercher. H-Diplo Article Review 357 (2012).
- “Cold War, Bright Stars.” Rev. of Defence and Discovery: Canada’s Military Space Program, 1945-74, by Andrew B. Godefroy. Literary Review of Canada 19,7 (September 2011): 26-27.
- “Canada’s Ballistic Missile Folly.” Rev. of Canada and Ballistic Missile Defence, 1954-2009: Déjà vu All Over Again, by James Fergusson. Dorchester Review 1,1 (Spring / Summer 2011): 81-85.
- Rev. of The Politics of Linkage: Power, Interdependence, and Ideas in Canada-US Relations, by Brian Bow. H-Diplo Roundtable Review 12,17 (2011)
- Rev. of Getting Back in the Game: A Foreign Policy Playbook for Canada, by Paul Heinbecker. Canadian International Council: The Foreign Exchange (8 February 2011)
- Reprinted as “Getting Back in the Game.” The Mark (11 February 2011)
- Rev. of Pearson’s Peacekeepers: Canada and the United Nations Emergency Force, by Michael K. Carroll. H-Diplo Roundtable Review 11,15 (2010) [9 February 2010]
- “Citizenship in Canada: A Review Essay.” Canadian Foreign Policy 15,2 (Summer 2009): 123-129.
- Rev. of Canada in NORAD, 1957-2007: A History, by Joseph T. Jockel. ScientiaCanadensis 32,2 (2009): 93-95.
- Rev. of Canadian Foreign Policy: Defining the National Interest, by Steven Kendall Holloway. University of Toronto Quarterly 78,1 (Winter 2009): 205.
- Rev. of Pearson’s Prize: Canada and the Suez Crisis, by John Melady. University of Toronto Quarterly 78,1 (Winter 2009): 398.
- Rev. of Canada Among Nations 2007: What Room for Manoeuvre?, edited by Jean Daudelin and Daniel Schwanen. International Journal 64,1 (Winter 2008-09): 283-85.
- Rev. of Savage Century: Back to Barbarism, by Thérèse Delpech. Canadian Foreign Policy 14,2 (Spring 2008): 147-48.
- Rev. of Clio’s Warriors: Historians and the Writing of the World Wars, by Tim Cook. American Review of Canadian Studies 36,4 (Winter 2006): 662-64.
- Rev. of The Oxford Companion to Canadian History, edited by Gerald Hallowell. American Review of Canadian Studies 36,3 (Fall 2006): 536-38.
- Rev. of Escott Reid: Diplomat and Scholar, edited by Greg Donaghy and Stéphane Roussel. International Journal 61,2 (Spring 2006): 509-11.
- Rev. of Marriage of Minds: Isabel and Oscar Skelton Reinventing Canada, by Terry Crowley. Ontario History 96,2 (Autumn 2004): 207-9.
- Rev. of Canada’s Greatest Wartime Muddle: National Selective Service and the Mobilization of Human Resources during World War II, by Michael D. Stevenson. University of Toronto Quarterly 73,1 (Winter 2003-2004):317-18.
- Rev. of Diplomatic Departures, edited by Nelson Michaud and Kim Richard Nossal. The American Review of Canadian Studies 32,3 (Autumn 2002): 489-91.
- Rev. of “Sanctions of Mass Destruction,” by John Mueller and Karl Mueller. Foreign Affairs 78,1 (May/June 1999), 43-53. Reviewed in Canadian Council on International Law: Bulletin 25,2 (Summer-Fall 1999): 21.