Courses Currently Taught
- CF 572: Canadian Government and Decision Making in a Strategic Context for International Officers [View Outline]
- DS 536: Case Studies in Canadian International Policy [View Outline]
- DS 572: Canadian Government and Decision-Making in a Strategic Context [View Outline]
- Master of Defence Studies and Master of Public Administration Supervisions (2-4 per year)
- CF 101: Foundations
- DS 569: Security and International Affairs
- DS 571: The Geostrategic Environment and International Affairs: Implications for Canada’s National Security
- CF 575: The Formulation of National Strategy
- DS 597: Contemporary Security Studies
- DM 521: Canadian Government and Public Policy (reading course 2011)
- DM 529: Canadian Foreign and Defence Policy (on-line 2011)
- DS 800: Canadian Foreign Policy: Analysis and Evaluation (2007-2010)
- CHST 711: Canada and the United States (Ryerson University, 2007-2009)
- HIS 311Y: Canadian External Relations (University of Toronto 2003-2006)
- HIS 498H: Independent Study (University of Toronto, 2003-2005)
- Non-Credit: Canada from the Outside In, Or Why Our Politicians Keep Making Such Bizarre Decisions (Living and Learning in Retirement, Glendon College [on-line], 2023)
- Non-Credit: Canada and the World: From Trudeau to Trudeau (Georgian Triangle Lifelong Learning Institute, 2020)
- Non-Credit: Canada in the World (Living and Learning in Retirement, Glendon College, 2019)
- Non-Credit: Oral Presentation Skills for Non-Native Speakers of English (University of Toronto, 2005)
- University College Writing Workshop (University of Toronto, 2004-2005)